Friday, February 16, 2007

Blast from the Past Friday

I'm tardy in posting the Friday "Blast from the Past" photo - sorry, I've been in York all day. I didn't get all the photos scanned and put in a file this week, so I'm posting the first picture I found with Adams cousins in it. :o)
That's Bart on the seesaw with me, Bobby and Tonita are on the swings. Again, I have no idea where this photo was taken...



Barbara Allen Moore said...

I've tried to remember where this could be but I'm coming up blank. I've emailed mom and asked her to look at this picture and the previous one and give us her insights but she had heart surgery last week and is still not doing much. I'm thinking this one was possible behind the garage at aunt Taki's? Thats a big old swing set and I can tell it wasn't at grandma elsie's. Bobbi, Danny can you tell?

Anonymous said...

Sherry Anstine says I believe this was taken behind moms and dads house on York Ave. They had a swing set out by dad's old shed, I could be wrong. I was never behind Taki's house so that one I don't know, but the buildings across the street and the new trees says it was dad's and mom's. Dad planted a lot of trees on their property. Dad has an old camper out behind their house also. I would say out behind moms and dad's. Let me know what Bobby and Danny say.