Friday, April 27, 2007

Blast from the Past

The Schall kids, Regier kids, and Patty - who is in the background and where are we?


Anonymous said...

I remember that fridge... or maybe it was popular style back then... I love these pics!! I get so excited when I see me.. hahaha! I know I know! What a dork!! hahaha!

Barbara Allen Moore said...

I think this is at Aunt Lyn's. I have a vague memory of the curtins being shades of blue,green and beige. And I think it was an apartment not the house near the skating rink.

Tammy said...

It might be the house we lived in on South Lincoln Avenue. By the time Arlan was born that's where we lived. I remember the house pretty vividly - and how often I had to stand in one particular corner. Oh, and when I left the water running in the plugged sink and the bathroom door locked behind me when I came out...

Barbara Allen Moore said...

Again I'm thinking its the apartment just up the street and around the corner from the granfolks. When you turned west out of the viaduct there was an apartment house on the corner where greatgandma lived and Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom just after they married. Then there was an alley and another building with two apartments. You guys lived in the first one and I think aunt Carol lived in the other at that time. Grandma and grandad lived in the back off the other drive in the Victorian. We could walk out your back door and across the backyard to theirs.

Tammy said...

I remember living in that apartment, but I was only 2 and maybe 3 when we lived there. I've described the apartment and going out the back door to Grandma's to my mom, and she told me I was remembering correctly.
By the time Arlan was born (he's in the photo) we lived on So. Lincoln Avenue. That's where we lived when Alan got burned, too. There's no house there now - it's Norm Green Realty. Sharon and Punk lived on the other end of the block and across the street for awhile. I remember I fell on the sidewalk and skinned both of my knees (still have a scar) and Sharon put MONKEY BLOOD on them! I cried and cried because it BURNED. :o)

Barbara Allen Moore said...

Mom and Aunt Janet think that's grandpa Bob in the background. We think it's Aunt Lyn's house on Lincoln Avenue.