Monday, April 16, 2007

Welcome, Kim!

Just thought I'd let you know that I invited Kim (Hiett) Stephens to read our blog. I found an old photo of Kim with me and Tonita, and was reminded that they were pretty much a part of our family, too.
I hope you enjoy the photos, Kim!


Barbara Allen Moore said...

Its funny that you have Kim's welcome just after Bobby, Bart and Danny's picture. I remember after grandad's funeral we were all gathered at Aunt Janet's house. Bart was busy telling the Hiatt girls how he wished they weren't related to him so he could've dated them since they were all so beautiful. I told him they weren't related and threw him off kilter. He said "you mean I could have dated them and married one of them?" I replyed yes he could have. He got a hopeful look on his face then and I had to tell him they were married or had steadies. He was all bummed out for a while but we all laughed in the end. He really beleived they were cousins. It was great growing up with kids who were as close a relatives. It just goes to show you that family isn't just about blood ties its about whomever you love and share your life with. I'm sure he's over is disapointment now but I still remember his surprise exclamation "What do you mean their not related?"

Deb said...

I hope you don't mind, but Kim shared the blog with me as well. I have sat here with fond memories as I enjoyed your photos, and then I clicked on and read Barbs comment and laughed out loud!! I, too, have always felt although we don't have a shared "blood line", we are indeed family. Poor Bart! haha....Thanks for sharing, Debbie (Hiett) Hinz

Tammy said...

Deb - The more the merrier! (Hasn't that always been our family motto?) Welcome!

Barbara Allen Moore said...

Believe me when I say that even getting divorced doesn't mean you're out of the family. The first christmas after my divorce grandma invited my ex because he seemed so sad. and he came to many other gatherings as well. Once your in, your in.

Anonymous said...

How I love these comments, once you are in the family, divorce or not your in forever.Ha. When we were growing up we had the Pinneo children, they weren't our relation the were related to the Hoffschniders, there mother was Edna Hoffschnider and sister to Uncle Ed and Herman, but they were family to us Adams kids too. Arlin, Donald, Patsy, May and the baby I can't pull her name up right at the moment, Arlin was killed in Korea at age 18. It was a great loss to all of us. You are right we are related blood or not.

My love Aunt Sherry