Friday, April 13, 2007

Blast from the Past

This comes from the York News-Times. Patty's practicing her ballet. :o)


Anonymous said...

I was hoping someone still had this.. this has always been one of my favorite pictures.. I remember waiting for the photograher to come and I was standing and practicing posing by my tree was one of the first to be planted..then all the sudden he started taking pictures and I hauled a$5 to get in the picture!! hahahaha! ;) I made it.. and I remember those corduroy pants like it was yesterday!!

Tammy said...

LOL! I never knew your leap was to be in the photo - I just thought you were playing around. :o)
I remember this event quite clearly. We all brought home those little stick branches that were baby trees, with nowhere to plant them. Grandma and Grandpa came to the rescue.

Anonymous said...

I used to have a copy of this News paper picture but I think the mice ate it on the farm, they got some other things to that I was saving. If anyone has the time and a scanner please E-mail me a copy so I can print it off. I would love to have it in my book.

My Love Aunt Sherry