Monday, April 16, 2007

Some Adams Boys

I haven't seen Bobby or Bart in person for nigh on a hundred years, so when this photo came from Danny, I was glad to put it up here.
I see Take and Kenny pretty often around town and we usually visit a little. When my kids were small, we were eating at the little cafe in Benedict, and Take was there playing Keno. She won a bazillion dollars on one hand, and gave my kids each a little bit. They've never forgotten who Aunt Take is! :o)


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful group of boys!! And of course my Aunt Take too!! I hope I look as good as her when I'm her age... Love ya guys bunches!!!!!! Patty

Barbara Allen Moore said...

The last time I saw the guys was at grandad's funeral. Bobby walked up to me and said Hi then proceeded to ask me my age and let me know how much older I was to him. That's a cousin for you! But I also remember Danny holding my hand and hugging me as I cried so hard. That's a cousin for you! Its great to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

These three boys has been a joy to be aroung. They spent a lot of time at the farm with us and we sure missed them when they went to Oregon to live. They are still a joy. They were here this summer and Janet and I has such a lovely time with them. Danny do you remember the little old lady you sat beside that didn't want you to eat her cake, now she says we have some really bad people up here on 6th floor. They sneak into her apartment and turn her furnace clear up and try to burn her up, so she has to get up and turn it down. Ha She is a joy.

Love to you all Aunt Sherry