Saturday, October 6, 2007


I just got an email from Barbie:
"Debbie's son Daniel was in a very serious accident this morning. The last we heard he was in Omaha at Creighton University Hospital. He has a lacerated liver, internal bleeding and several broken ribs. His one friend was killed and we don't know the status on the other just that he had been air vaced to Omaha earlier. Deb and Jen were on their way from TN at noon. We're using Nick and Jake in TN for info because Deb wants her phone for Krista. They call Nick first anyway so he's the better bet. 615-474-7009. When Dan was eventually evaced to Omaha he was consious and talking and in stable condition. I'm sure he'll need surgery for the cut on the liver, they said he had internal bleeding but I don't know if its from just the liver or other injuries.

They were in Daniels big white truck, one of those with the dble cab seating. I don't have any details on the accident itself so can't tell you.

They can use your prayers and positive energy."

Everyone please add them to your prayers. I know what it's like to get "that" phone call, and knowing that people are praying for you is an incredible comfort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Putting Daniels accident in the Blog for the whole family to read was a wonderful idea. I kept in touch everyday and I still check in to see how his friend Tom is doing. His healing will take a long time I am afraid. They will soon be moving him to a nursing home. I talked to Debbie this last sunday, she said Dan is doing really well and has gotten back to work. I know he still has a hard time with what happened but in time it won't be so painful for him but will stay with him for life. Pray for Tom, these boys need to be together again, Friends Forever.

MOM (Grandma)