Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hi its just Kathy. I have been up to see Dan too and talk to Christa daily. He is made of strong stock and will pull through this, it will just take time. As he told Tristan is son, "I'm SUPER MAN!" aren't I bud? Tristan and smiled and nodded his head yes.

As far as Dan and Christa's kids go, Tristan is doing ok. He has had alot to deal with over the past week. His dad being so hurt, the loss of a friend, and another one still critical. Tristan has been very strong through all of this. He did get some questions answered from Aunt Jenny, and me. Tristan and I talk when he needs to. He will just start talking, I think it makes him feel better.

Yesterday, I took him up to see his Dad. We bought Dan a movie and Tristan picked out the card. He also enclosed a picture of himself that he had gotten from school the day before. He was very excited to finally see his dad. After I finally got us un-lost (hehe took a wrong turn). We fell upon the hospital.

Tristan was so anxious but he remained calm as I drove around in circles thanks to the co-worker how lives in Omaha. I will not listen to him again. I think the directions were to his house not the hospital.

Dax is a spitting image of Dan, I had him last weekend. However, he met his match on stubborness as I'm more stuborn then him. He relented everytime but you could tell he wasn't happy about it :).

I to plan on going back up next weekend to see Dan again, and will probably bring my boys with me and Tristan, as he asked if he could come with me. I can't say no, he is such a brave little boy.

Love you all

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