Friday, May 4, 2007

Blast from the Past

Kathy and DeeDee as a baby - is this Grandma Gifford or a different grandma?


Barbara Allen Moore said...

Yes I think this is grandma Gifford. I remember the curtains. She had them for windows and doorways where there were no doors. This was probably just before she moved to Wyoming or Colorado to stay with Aunt Faye and Uncle Ed's famuly. She lived there with them until her death. Their daughter Barbara was a main caregiver for grandma.

Anonymous said...

Yes that is Grandma Gifford taken at the farm in York. Grandma Anna clock she got from her dad Bar is on the shelf. This was taken not too long before she passed away, I believe she died in 1973-74. I was working at Walkers at the time. The day of her funeral I did not have my mind on my driving, I was going into the Laundry mat with Deedee and Jenny and I didn't dim my lights, so the State Patrolman stopped me for a short visit and an invitation to court. Ha.

Love Aunt Sherry