Friday, March 9, 2007

Blast from the Past

This is Aunt Bobbie and Paula. I don't know anything more about it - taken in Colorado, perhaps? And is the woman in the background someone they know, or is she just getting a kick out of having her photo taken with strangers?
I think Aunt Bobbie is just beautiful in this photo...


Barbara Allen Moore said...

I can't see her face very well. We did a lot of caravaning in those days in the summers. Meaning we hooked up with other family and friends in a bunch of cars and traveled all over the country. I think I was five on the last trip we took just before I started school. If this picture is from then we were joined by Uncle Jim's family and I think Aunt Bobbi's sister's family and some of their friends. We went up into the mountains and the ground squirrels slept with grandad in his sleeping bag. Is it possibly Aunt Janet, the aunts were teenagers at that time and I remember her hair being similar?

Tammy said...

I'm pretty sure it's not Aunt Janet - I don't know this woman. Could well be Bobbie's sister...