Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy Gardening Everyone

Hey all its gardening time! I've found an extra 17 X 9 ft area to plant! Woohoo! More flowers. A few weeks ago we bought a used tiller. Needless to say it is now the neighborhood tiller. Once our friend Monty heard we'd gotten a tiller he was over like a shot, promising to do all the tilling in exchange for getting to use it in his yard. Now Monty's a flower fanatic and he makes a really great salsa so you can see what he grows. In the end he was so excited that he said that he'd furnish all the gas and till for everyone that asked. Ok I said. Last night he came over to test it out on our vegetable garden space. It ran really well and tilled up the soil beautifully. He was so excited. We're planting in raised beds this year and using complimentary planting. This means that we can save space by planting say corn and in between the stalks we can plant melons and pumpkins. See increasing the use of the space. Or planting rosemary and basil in between tomatoe and cucumbers. The belief is that planting complimentary encourages good insects and discourages bad. But then Zinnia's and Marigolds will do that too. So the adventure begins. Happy gardening everyone!

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