Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Luekemia

Hey Cousins its Barb! As many of you know I have Chronic Myelogeous Leukemia (CML). First off it is not a genetic cancer,none of you can get this cancer thru our bloodline. None of my siblings, children or grandchildren are vulnerable to this illness. Basically what has happened is I have developed what is called a Philadelphia Chromasome that has caused a mutation in my blood cells giving me cancer. Now....the good news is that it is a highly treatable cancer with an oral chemo drug called Gleevec. I'm waiting at this time to qualify for a program for uninsured persons that will provide me with this drug. Once I have the medicine its just one tablet a day. After 6 months on the drug I will have another bone marrow biopsy to determine if the chromosone is gone or if treatment goes on. As of friday I have been taken off my med for reducing my white cell count. I take this as a sign that its within normal range again (down from 462,000)or I'm getting the chemo drug soon or both. I'm also taking a drug called Allpurenal to prevent me from developing gout or other similar illnesses due to the cancer. That little pill is only $4 a bottle while the chemo drug is $3000 a month. Yes I did say $3000. Anyway I continue to have an optimistic attitude. I have no doubt that I will win this battle and all things will be taken care of in due time. Feel free to have a fundraiser if you want, I'm 6 weeks in and $10,000 in debt not counting the $36,000 needed for the chemo. Hmmmm...maybe I can qualify for Oprah's Big Give? Well that's my gripe for the week. Wait that's not true I have a bad, bad cold and haven't been able to talk in over a week, now that's a hardship for an Adams woman! I wanted to make sure that you all know that my disease will not affect you, that its rare and attacks people between the ages of 40-65. You are safe as are your children and grandchildren. I love you all and I feel all your arms around me. Thats what keeps me strong. Hug and kisses to you all.


Anonymous said...

Hoping all is going well... take care of yourself..

Anonymous said...

Hi honey I finally got back on here, I know you are going to beat this Barb, you have such a positive attitude and that ia a big percent of the fight, so hang in there baby.

Love MOM