Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving wishes

Remember the days when we'd gather on Aunt Sherry's farm and run wild waiting for the men to come home from pheasant hunting so we could eat? Oh, and we did feast. The only specific food memory I have is when Grandma made a mincemeat pie and everyone made such a fuss that she'd used "real" mincemeat, that I just had to have a taste. Ugh. :o) But I know the table was loaded and no one went away hungry. The noise - oh, I'm sure the noise was deafening. We are a loud family. I will never apologize for that. :o)
I hope you are all enjoying your family this day, taking a minute to really think about how blessed you are. No matter what is happening in your life, there is always something to be thankful for.

Oh, and I have to share this photo - I hope you all enjoy the feast!


Barbara Allen Moore said...

Yes I remember the mincemeat pies and the men all going hunting. We had the biggest house so that's why a lot of the holidays were held there.The kids could run wild outside. We had pigs and dogs and alot of land and trees. One year mom got toasted on wine I think, and the pineapple sauce didn't get made for the ham and a couple other things happened but she was very happy singing the whole time. Those were the days!

Anonymous said...

Oh baby what a memory, I should have realized you kids would remember the Christmas mom got plastered on Mogan David Wine, I probably forgot the Pineapple sauce too but I remember forgetting the Gravey, I sure had a good time laughing my way through it all, oh what a day that was. ha