Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our Newest Cousin

Alan and his wife, Angela have a new daughter, Reese Renae: She was born April 24 @ 9:05 a.m., weighed 6 lb. 11.5 oz., and was 18 3/4" long. Can you believe that head of hair?!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy News!

We have a new family member, born this morning!
Jesse and Stephanie are proud grandparents:
"Jackson Lee Adams was born at 5:17 this morning! He weighed in at 8.8 lbs, and is 20 1/4 inches long. He's perfect and in his grandparents eyes, the most beautiful baby ever born!!!"

Amanda and Justin are doing great, too. :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Caring Bridge page

Dear Friends and Family,
I created a CaringBridge site to keep you up to date on deb rosiu. CaringBridge is a nonprofit organization that helps friends and families stay connected.
You can visit deb's CaringBridge site at
If your e-mail program does not allow you to click on the above link, just copy and paste the address into your web browser's address (or URL) location.
Please visit our CaringBridge site anytime. You can use the site to check in on deb, read the journal entries and send us messages by signing our guestbook. When you register with CaringBridge and sign our guestbook, you will automatically receive e-mail notifications each time our journal is updated. Or, you can subscribe to receive these notifications even before you sign the guestbook. (Of course, you can unsubscribe from these e-mail updates at any time.)
Please print and save this e-mail for future reference.
CaringBridge is a free, nonprofit web service that connects family and friends to share information, love and support during a health care crisis, treatment and recovery.

Debbie Update

I talked to Kathy earlier this evening. She said that they have decided to hold off on the feeding tube, as long as she continues to eat o.k. She had her first round of chemo yesterday (friday). I guess that made her pretty sick last night. I believe they are planning on doing 2 more treatments before she gets to go home and then after that she will have treatments like every other week (??). She will probably get to go home in the next few days (hopefully). I guess now it is just wait and see what happens. Keep the prayers going, strength from the Lord is what will help Deb and her family to deal with this whole situation.

Hospital Info:
Middle Tennessee Medical Center
400 N Highland Ave.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
She is in room 272

Home Info:
Debra Rosiu
9282 Versailles Rd.
Rock Vale, TN 37153

I know that she will probably be limited on how much talking she can do but I am sure she would love to have notes and cards to read and enjoy.

Kathy is going to try to set up a caringbridge page so it will be easier for everybody to stay in touch with Deb and Nick and the kids. We will send out the link for that as soon as it is ready. That is such an awesome program. I guess that is all for now. We will try to keep everybody up to date on what is going on. Thanks to you all for your thoughts, prayers, and support. It means the world when you know that you can count on your family and friends in such a time of need. May the good Lord bless you all.

Love & Prayers,
Dee Dee, Jack & Family

Friday, July 25, 2008

Update: early Friday morning

Good morning. Just a quick note - I'm at work and not supposed to be online...

Deb's husband, Nick called me last night and gave me a few details. The cancer is in her neck, throat, and face. It is not in her brain, nor is it below her neck. They are going to start a very aggressive program of chemotherapy.
She is not in Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville. If you got Aunt Sherry's email with an address, that is for the Middle Tennessee Medical Center.
Nick said they are having a meeting this morning with the doctors and will have more details about her treatment plan then, and he will update us.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Prayers Needed

Okay, cousins, it's time to rally around and send up SO MANY PRAYERS that Debbie can't help but feel the love.

In case you haven't heard, Debbie is in Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. Last night she was diagnosed with metastasized cancer - it started in her throat and is wrapped around her carotid artery, and spread throughout her body.

Here's Barbie's email from this morning:

"Nick took her in last night, She was bleeding in her throat badly. This morning they are going to do a Cat Scan to see how far her cancer is in her body. At this time they know it's in her throat and surrounding her carotid artery. She is refusing chemo or radiation but her doctors say they probably won't help anyway, the cancer is too far spread. She may be trached later because the swelling in her throat is making it hard for her to breath and they are having difficulty keeping the swelling down. There is no room number at this time because they keep moving her and taking tests, we should have one later.

Deedee is going over to stay with mom this morning and to tell her the news. She has been having trouble with her heart again. The nitro is helping but this could be too much for her. I'm so scared but Deedee and Aunt Janet will be with her. I'm sure she'll want to travel to Nashville but I don't think she's up to it physically.

Daniel isn't completely recovered yet from his accident and he relies on his mom a lot so he's been with Kathy all night and she's called our brother Mike in Colo. My sister Jenny is my contact and Kathy's for now. Lee (my ex) is going up to Vanderbilt this weekend and taking frogger. Nick and Lee are friends so it will be of some help to Nick.

If ever a man loved a woman its Nick. He's completely devoted to her and this has to be devastating him. They talk numerous times a day and share everything together. They are just never really are apart.

The cell phone I used is Dylans so if you call that number that's who you'll get. Our home phone is 308-233-5521 and that's the best for getting to me. I will be gone for a while at 1pm to take Vivi to the doctor for her check up then I'll be back home.

Love to you all,

I have spoken to Barbie and she will keep us all informed as she gets any news. I'll try to keep this blog updated as quickly as I get any information.

Now here's what I'm asking from you guys - just prayer. Go to the bottom of this post and click on "comments", then leave a message for Debbie & Nick, Jenny, Daniel, Jake, Aunt Sherry and the rest of the family. LET'S LET THEM KNOW WE'RE HERE. Say a prayer for them, for support and comfort and the miracle of healing, and the ability to accept whatever comes. I can tell you from experience that just knowing people are praying for you and your family is extremely helpful during a time like this.

Also, I'm hoping to go to Tennessee if at all possible. I don't know when yet - it'll depend on what all they decide in the next few days - where Debbie will be, etc. If anyone would like to go along and share the cost, I'd love some company. I'll post details when I know for certain what's happening.

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Old photos

Aunt Sherry sent these to me tonight. Hopefully I put the right list of names with the right photos. :o)


The first picture is a group picture of mom's family(back)Fay, Ruth, Grandma Lura, Grandpa Henry. Elsie, Orville, Floyd (front) Wilma, Bobby, Leonard, Eben, picture was taken approximately 1930-31. I am guessing by uncle Bob's approximate age,he was 7 yrs. older than me so he was born in 1928, he looks to be 2-3 in this photo, this is my reasoning for date when it was taken.

Picture # 2 Grandma Lura's Family, Back row: Harold, Francis, Lura, Henry, Elsie, Orville, Great Grandma Agnes Dunlevy Colliins, Great Grandpa Willie Collins, Fay and Ruth. No date, but my guess would be maybe 1915-16

#3 Grandpa and Grandpa Giffords Wedding picture.No date but figure it was around 1908-9, mom was born 1911.

#4 Group picture taken when dad was home on leave just before Marilynne was born. I am guessing on some of the names with Janets help, the little ones we couldn't name, here are some of the, Back row: Uncle Ed Hoffschnider, Aunt Fay, holding Tom, Betty Hoffschnider, holding Phyllis, Alice Hoffschnider, dad behind Alice, Mammie Pinneo, holding Barbara P.? Right to left: Junior Hoffschnider, Sherry, Jim, Bill, Fred, Bobby, Dick, Front: Kenneth, Janet, June, taken in Sept. 1944.